How to set up replication from PostgreSQL to SAP HANA Cloud?

XAP Software · May 6, 2022

If you need to use new CAP technologies and your database contains a lot of data then you have to replicate your date to SAP HANA Cloud. In this article we will look at the complete setup using PostgreSQL without SSL as an example.

Database preconfiguration


In `postgresql.conf` change the values ​​to the following:

![Alt text](../article_images/database_preconfiguration1.png)
![Alt text](../article_images/database_preconfiguration2.png)
![Alt text](../article_images/database_preconfiguration3.png)

`max_replication_slots = database_to_replication * 2`

2) Before registering the adapter, you need to install the database driver. Information about it can be found at the bottom of the page (SAP HANA smart data integration and all its patches Product Availability Matrix (PAM) for SAP HANA SDI 2.0) by the address:

3) Download the driver from the official website of the database and then add this driver to the /lib/ folder using '.jar' format

4) Register adapter. Section 9. Adapter Registration

Installing Data Provisionig Agent

1) Download SDI Data Provisioning Agent from the site

2) Unzip the archive and install it into /usr/sap/dataprovagent/ directory. The installation is performed from the root folder with the command: ./hdbinst --silent --batch --path="/usr/sap/dataprovagent" --agent_listener_port=5050 --agent_admin_port=5051

3) In the <DPAgent_root>/bin/ folder, run the file via code editor and comment out the pingAgent function:

![Alt text](../article_images/data_provisioning_agent1.png)

Run the `` file which is in the same folder and comment out the lines starting with “-e”:

![Alt text](../article_images/data_provisioning_agent2.png)

4) In the root folder <DPAgent_root>, open the dpagentconfig.ini file, change the line: hana.useSSL=false

Configuring the Data Provisionig Agent

1) From the <DPAgent_root>/bin/ folder, start the Agent with the command: ./ --configAgent 2) Start the Agent from section 2. Start or Stop Agent Alt text

Check the operability with the `Ping Agent` command
![Alt text](../article_images/data_provisioning_agent4.png)

3) Set up communication between Agent and SAP HANA Cloud. Section 7. SAP HANA Connection Alt text

Select 1. Connect to SAP HANA Cloud via JDBC Alt text

a) Enter Use JDBC Encrypted Connection - set to true;

b) Enter Host Name `********-****-****-****-**********`;

c) Enter Port Number (default database host port 443);

d) Enter `Agent Admin HANA User` - enter the name of the database administrator (DBADMIN)
![Alt text](../article_images/data_provisioning_agent6.png)

e) Enter database password;

f) Enter Use Proxy Server. Select `false` if you will not use it;

g) Enter `HANA User Name` for `Agent Messaging` - a user name capable of sending an `Agent Message`, created in the `Database Explorer` in the SQL panel, with the command:


e) Enter user password.

4) Register Agent section 8.Agent Registration пункт 1. Point 1 Register Agent Alt text

a) Enter a new Agent name in the `Enter Agent Name` field

b) Enter your hostname or external IP in the `Enter Agent Host Name` field

Creating Remote Source

1) On the SAP HANA Database Explorer page, select a database, select Agents in the Catalog folder and check that the registered Agent is connected and receives data.

2) In the Catalog folder, select z and create remote source using the GUI or using the SQL panel. The code can be found on the page: 

there is a configuration code in the section for a certain database. Paste code in SQL Panel to `SAP HANA Database Explorer`.

Fill in the required fields Host, Port Number, Database Name. Alt text

In the Credentials field select Credentials mode and fill in the required User Name and Password fields of your database Alt text

Konstantin Loshkarev
