How to deploy CAP project with SQLite DB and row data in *.csv files to SAP BTP Cloud Platform

XAP Software · April 6, 2022

In case you need to deploy CAP project with SQLite DB and test data in *.csv files you need to modify 2 files.

Modify package.json

Add in requires block information, that you are using sqlite in-memory database.

    "requires": {
            "db": {
                "kind": "sqlite",
                "credentials": {
                    "database": ":memory:"

After the requires block add the new block feature where set in_memory_db property as true.

    "features": {
                "in_memory_db": true

Modify mta.yaml file

Now go to the mta.yaml and add the command - cp -r db/data gen/srv/srv/data. This command will allow you to deploy row data in *.csv files from your db/ folder.

      - builder: custom
        - npm ci
        - npx -p @sap/cds-dk cds build --production
        - cp -r db/data gen/srv/srv/data

Now you can create mta archive and deploy it on SAP BTP.

Vladislav Kobenko
