How to change elements position from UI in django-admin?

XAP Software · April 28, 2022

In case you need to change position of elements within django admin, you can use this article to understand how.

How to add django-admin-sortable2 package?

We will use django-admin-sortable2 package. First download it:

    pip3 install django-admin-sortable2

Now you need to include this package into your file:


Creating order field

In application/ add ordering field. Any valid Python variable name will work. This field will be specified as the primary one used for sorting.

    class MyModel(models.Model):

        my_ordering = models.PositiveIntegerField(

        class Meta:
            ordering = ['my_ordering']

Use one of these model fields for the ordering field:

  • BigIntegerField
  • IntegerField
  • PositiveIntegerField
  • PositiveSmallIntegerField
  • SmallIntegerField

In application/

In application/ create MyModelAdmin class as SortableAdminMixin and admin.ModelAdmin child

from django.contrib import admin
from adminsortable2.admin import SortableAdminMixin

from application.models import MyModel

class MyModelAdmin(SortableAdminMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):

Verbin Kirill
