How to add/change sections, elements and properties for Django admin?

XAP Software · April 15, 2022

In case you need to use create or change sections, elements and their propeties in Django admin.

How to add or change sections in Django Admin?

In file in your configuration class you can add verbose_name:

    class ContentConfig(AppConfig):
        default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
        name = 'content'
        verbose_name = "Content"

Now your section name for this app is Content.

How to add or change elements for your section?

In Django framework elements for sections are models, which you define in file. So to add your element in Django admin panel you need to create model:

    class Service(models.Model):

        class Meta:
            verbose_name = "Service"
            verbose_name_plural = "Services"

        title = models.CharField("Name",max_length=200)        
        site_title = models.CharField("Title", max_length=100,  null=True, blank=True)
        site_hru = models.CharField("Human readable URL", max_length=100, null=True, blank=True)
        site_h1 = models.CharField("Page header(h1)", max_length=100,  null=True, blank=True)

Now you have section’s element with properties title and image. In Django admin panel in section Content you will see Services. If you change fields verbose_name and verbose_name_plural your element’s name will change after that.

How to add or change properties of elements that you want to see in Django admin panel?

We need to change file:

    from .models import Service

    class ServicesAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        list_display = ("title", "site_title", "site_hru")

    # another elements here#, ServicesAdmin)

First of all we need to import our model for file. Now create an Admin class for this model, in field list_display we are choosing the properties, which user will see in Django admin panel. After that we need to register it to show this element and properties in Django admin panel.

It would be nice if we could keep our code a bit more concise.

Vladislav Kobenko
