How to setup NextJS FrontEnd Framework with some API?

XAP Software · April 21, 2022

Let’s say we have some BackEnd server (in my case, Django + Django Rest Framework) and we want to generate html/css on NextJS

1. Create NextJS app

    npx create-next-app myapp

NextJS application uses a folder structure, such as:

|-- pages
|   |-- api
|   |   |-- hello.js
|   |
|   |-- _app.js
|   |-- index.js
|-- public
|   |-- favicon.ico
|-- styles
|   |-- global.css
|   |-- Home.module.css

On this step I recommend to add to myapp folder two files named .env.development and .env.production. Depending on the start mode (dev or prod), NextJs adds values from .end.<start_mode> files to process.env. This will make development and deployment easier.

# .env.development / .env.production


2. Create page articles

The paths for the application are made by using folder management in pages folder:

  • pages/index.js - /
  • page/some_page - /some_page
  • page/some_page/some_page2.js - /some_page/some_page2
  • page/[param].js - /<param>
  • page/[param]/[param2] - /<param>/<param2>

We have to create /articles way.

// pages/articles.js

export default function Index() {
            Hello World!

And run the app. Now we have “Hello World” on route /articles but we need to get articles from BackEnd server

In myapp BackEnd server we have two routes:


The page /article/ only lists links to the article pages. The function getServerSideProps without params request articles from BackEnd server and return like page_props

// pages/articles.js

export default function Home({articles}) {
    return (
            { => { return (<>
                <a href={`article/${}`}>{obj.title}</a><br/>


export async function getServerSideProps(){
    const res = await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKENDSERVER}:${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKENDPORT}/api/article/`)
    const res_json = await res.json()
    return { props: { articles: res_json.results } }

3. Create articles/<id> page

Create a folder articles and add to this folder [id].js

We have /articles/<id> way:

// pages/articles/[id].js

export default function Index({article}) {

    return (
            <h1>Article: {article.title}</h1>
            <a href='/article'>Back</a>


export async function getServerSideProps({params}){
    const res = await fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKENDSERVER}:${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKENDPORT}/api/article/${}`)
    const res_json = await res.json()
    return { props: { article: res_json } }

By passing {params} to getServerSideProps, we mean that a request should be made to receive data from the article

Kirill Verbin
