How to create pop-up with different parameters for generated elements?

XAP Software · May 6, 2022

In case you have generated elements with different parameters and you want to create pop-up elements with these parameteres in Next.js, you can use following method.

Creating pop-up

Let’s create a simple pop-up in Next.js. Create popup.js file and paste there the following code:

export default function Popup(props) {
    const data =;

    return (
        <div className="popup">
            <div className="popup-text">
            <button title="Close" onClick={props.handleClose} className="popup-button">×</button>

Now we have the pop-up component with data and close button.

Adding pop-up into application

Open your main file, for example index.js. Import the pop-up component to this file.

import Popup from '../components/popup'

Create a statement for opening and closing pop-up. We will use useState hook for changing the state. Set initial value as false to keep the pop-up closed as default:

const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);

Also create a statement for changing the data. You can set initial value to 0, as we will change it upon click later:

const [data, setData] = useState(0);

Now create a handler to toggle pop-up and update the data.

const togglePopup = (key) => {
    data = setData(data[key]);

In the end we need to call this handler on click. For example, we have an array data with different dynamically generated objects and want to see a pop-up with unique data for each element.

export default function Test({data}) {

const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const [data, setData] = useState(0);

const togglePopup = (key) => {
    data = setData(data[key]);

return (
        {isOpen && <Popup
                    data= {test : data}

        <div className="test">
            {, i)=> {
                    <div className="col" key={i}>
                        <span onClick={() => {togglePopup(i)}} />
                        <div className="data-text">

It would be nice if we could make our code a bit more concise.

Vladislav Kobenko
